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Dr. J Talks About The Rise of Depression During the Pandemic

Many things have changed since the pandemic began, including the rise of depression. Since early March when the Coronavirus changed how everyone works, lives and goes to school, studies show there has been an almost 50% increase in depression. I’ve also seen more people reaching out lately due to these tough times, hoping to get some kind of help or support. When a country experiences severe hardships such as financial recession, war and/or a pandemic, the people of that country can go through intense psychological distress, such as increased levels of depression and anxiety.

The coronavirus is a global crisis that has brought on symptoms of depression for vast groups of people worldwide. The loss of their job or a loved one, the fear of getting sick, and other challenging things that have happened on top of this pandemic are putting people into low mental spaces. Earlier this month, I spoke with Good Day Philadelphia about some key signs of depression and ways one can begin getting back on track towards positivity and staying grounded.

Key Signs of Depression

When we think about the term depression, it is often brings up thoughts and images of people who might be suicidal, unable to move from their beds or avoiding their daily responsibilities like work. This vision of depression, of someone in a state of complete shutdown and desperation, can cause mild levels of depression to go unnoticed. People can categorize symptoms of mild depression as just feeling moody or finding themselves wanting to be alone more often but it could be more.

Key Symptoms of Depression Include:

  1. Changes in one’s sleep patterns

  2. Eating more or less

  3. Feeling tired

  4. Not wanting to do much

  5. Possibly getting to a place where you’re wanting to hurt yourself

  6. Minor body pains

Photo by Ivan Oboleninov from Pexels

Ways To Begin Feeling Better

We’ve been at this for almost seven months now, which is no easy task for even the most resilient person. People are feeling on edge, waiting for things to go back to normal, wondering if they are waiting in vain and things may never quite be back to “normal”. I encourage people who are having these low and hopeless feelings to adapt positive routines and goals into their day.

A few proven activities that can aid people in getting back on the road to feeling like themselves are:

  1. Getting active

  2. Improving your diet

  3. Finding a good support group

  4. Practicing mindfulness/spirituality

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Seek Out Help From a Therapist

Being able to get support from a therapist now is easier than ever before. Teletherapy has made getting help much easier for individuals, not having to leave the comfort of their homes and possibly giving them more confidence to be open when behind a screen. Don’t wait. Go now and don’t delay. Even if it feels mild, you could be experiencing some form of depression. Do something now before it gets worse.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Dr. George James (@GeorgeTalks), Chief Innovation Officer, Senior Staff Therapist & Supervisor at Council for Relationships, Assistant Professor for the Couple and Family Therapy Program at Thomas Jefferson University and CEO of George Talks LLC.

Jamie McClelland, is a senior at Villanova University, double majoring in English and Communications with a specialization in media production.

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